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name: generator #12
date: 23 dec 2002
type: pc standalone software (win2000 & XP only)
description: audio visual soundgenerator controlled by endless scrolling
download size: 1.76 mb zip file
name: ctrlaltdel v. 14
date: 30 sept 2002
type: flash & shockwave (director)
description: audio visual click environment
name: BGO MUI*5
date: 16 sept 2002
type: text & shockwave (director)
description: multiuser installation & documentation + multiple for Dutch department of Justice
name: TEXT_engine v. 2.0
date: 22 aug 2002
type: pc/ mac software
description: sync text to beat
name: klak- Zb #3
date: 16 march 2002
type: shockwave (director)
description: soundengine
name: objekt_14
date: march 2002
type: shockwave (director) + mac/ pc software
description: complex soundengine inspired by Michel Waisvisz' kraakdoos. Available as shockwave (pc- only) or as standalone mac/ pc software
name: pointer*6
date: december 2001
type: shockwave (director)
description: make polyphonic sound using
6 pointers at once
name: interview by Stanza
date: august 2001
type: text
description: interview
name: shift/BIN
date: 01 july 2001
type: shockwave (director)
description: 4 soundengines made for
name: TRABER 073
date: march 2001
type: shockwave (director)
description: soundengine made for teleac/NOT

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